Please contact us if you are interested in transporting pets in need! This can be short drives between foster homes and vet appts or you can take long distance rides to assist with intakes.

You must have your driver's license with no restrictions.
Be 18+ or accompanied by a legal adult
You must have your own vehicle.

You will be provided training on our processes and a card to identify you as a member of our rescue.


You can help the rescue right from home! We can always use social media pushes such as sharing our posts/wishlists, making connections with assistance groups, filling out grant applications etc. You can also organize local fundraisers!

You must have knowledge of social media and basic technology.
+ if you have event planning experience.


We always need extra hands on event days! This can include set up, help during the event such as potty breaks for the dogs, supervision, networking, paperwork assistance, etc.

You must be available to do a portion or more of event planning, execution, clean up.

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